Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 104 - A photo of one of your favorite family members

This is my brother. He's crazy, and spontaneous. And I never really know quite what he's going to do next.

Take this picture, for example. One day, it just popped up onto Facebook, and I learned that my brother was going to apply to be in the NBA draft, never mind the fact that he's not six feet tall (that I know of), and hasn't played basketball in his life.

But although it was a "he's doing WHAT?!?!" moment, it made sense. That would be something he would do, just like he tried out to be on an MTV reality TV show. And how he dressed up in different costumes at the U of M hockey games (Thomas the Tank Engine, anyone?).

My brother is a bit out there, but he's also my favorite. Not only because he's my brother, and because he's always been there for me, but because he's able to put a smile on my face at the most random times. And those smiles mean something extra, because I never know how much I need them until a photo like this pops up on my news feed.

I just hope the Pistons get him.

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh out loud.

    I really hope the Pistons get him, too.
