Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 103 - A photo of your best friend(s)

I can't possibly use all of the photos of all of my best friends, because 1) there isn't enough space 2) Blogger will only allow me to upload a certain amount of photos and 3) I know that best friends will come up again, so I'll make sure to keep rotating who I talk about, so that it doesn't get boring.

Here are some of them, in all of their weird glory.

Let's go through this in order:

Julia: she is, quite literally, my everything friend. I go to her if anything is on my mind, be it school, or other friends, or (guy) drama, or want a meal, or somewhere to sit, or a cookie. And she does the same. We knew each other in high school, and had classes together, but never hung out. I'm surprised we didn't. Because, at least it seems to me, we click. Pretty well. As in, she's sitting in my room right now, reading some book for a class, and has been here for hours. We vent together, and give each other hugs and a shoulder to lean against when things are getting hard. She's amazing. Absolutely amazing. And a fellow Pooh lover. Always an added bonus.

Elizabeth: She's quiet, but sensible. Honestly? She keeps my head on straight. She's the rational, "let's take things one step at a time and look at everything from every possible angle before getting ahead of ourselves" person. That's not to say that other people don't have traces of this, but, rather, she's the best at it. She reminds me to work hard, and that dedication can get you places in life.

Sloan: We're not the closest of the bunch, but we enjoy going down to the basement and getting drinks together (her: Diet Coke/Pepsi, me: Root Beer). We can laugh and make jokes, but unfortunately I don't see her as much as I'd like to.

Michelle: Michelle, Michelle ... what can I say about her? She's hilarious and sensitive, hyper and lethargic, and just about any other dichotomy you can think of. But the one thing she always is? Nice. She certainly has her little quirks: she actually enjoys being banged up in sports (broomball, Quidditch), likes to speak in a British accent, and has a strange habit of "wanting to change into pants" before we go down to meals, even though she's never without the legwear ... that's just her way of saying "I want to put on a pair of jeans instead of going down to the dining hall in basketball shorts."

Nicolette: I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't friends with her. She's the fashionista, the one always looking for a bargain, the enthusiastic reader, and the one to always go on the random errands with you. But she's also the owner of a very comfy futon, which is open at all hours of the day for a vent session, or a lie down. She has the ability to sympathize with you while still offering rational advice. And she's just ... oh I don't know ... Nicolette.

One person who is missing is Brighid: She's a bit different from the others, but not really. She actually lives down the hall from me, and I've known her since high school as well (though, again, we never hung out). She has big curly hair that always puts a smile on my face, and is the tell-it-like-it-is girl of the group. Brighid can be blunt, but she's always nice about it. Which is a very good skill to have. She has her catch-phrases, like "I don't wanna go to Physics," "This is Day 1," and "I know what I'm doing with my life!" but we love her for them.

So there are a couple - but only a couple. These are the people I've spent the majority of the last eight months with, and I honestly don't know what I'd do without them. But I guess I'll find out soon enough, won't I?

Pretty soon we're going to be going our separate ways for the summer: most going back home, some going to camp, and I'll return to the South after a brief stay in Michigan. We'll talk, I'm sure. And Skype. And probably even write. But I know that I already am looking forward to our reunion in the fall.

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