Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 153 - A fish out of water ...

Today has been ... interesting. I've been quite a fish out of water.

I started the day by going to LSU (Louisiana State University) in order to drop off the last of my forms (this was an immunization one) and to get the textbook for the class I'm starting next week. I got lost a bit, but eventually found my way to the visitor's parking lot, obtained a map, and was on my way to the Student Health Center.

When I got there, I got lost (again) inside the building, but luckily ran into someone who was going to the Immunization desk as well. After waiting for a couple of minutes, the lady at the desk turned to me and I handed her the first form, explaining that I had already faxed in the second page. She had me fill out the form again (it had something to do with rabies), turned to me, and asked "Have you been bitten by an alligator?" Taken aback, I responded "Can alligators carry rabies?" This started an intricate Google search on whether alligators could, in fact, carry rabies. They can't. Once this was learned, the lady turned back to me and asked, in all seriousness, "Well then, have you been bitten by a tiger recently?"

You know what? I don't think I have. But thanks for asking.

Once that was done, I found my way to the Student Union, and to the bookstore in order to get the textbook for the course. I asked the student to get the book, which he did, and when he handed it to me, he called to another worker "Shirley, can you help out this cute Northerner? I don't think she knows where she is." An older woman comes over and tells me, in all seriousness, "Well, honey, you can just hop on 59 North. That should take you in the right direction."

If that weren't enough, my dad came back from work and took me to a concert. Someone names John Waite. I had never heard of him, so dressed in what I thought was normal concert wear (usually we go to classical concerts): a sundress (white bodice, black elastic at the waist, light denim skirt), paired with gold gladiator shoes and a ballet pink cropped cardigan. Little did I know that John Waite was an '80s rock-and-roll hit. So I was only a bit out of place. More like completely out of place.

But it was fun anyways.

Right now I'm looking at Blizzard, one of our cats, who has just curled up into the most adorable ball of fluff on the other bed in my room. Really. She's curled into a ball, is sleeping, but had her head upside down. Her tail is covering her eyes, and one of her front paws is holding on to her back leg, like she's trying hard to stay in formation. I almost feel bad about kicking her out in a little bit (I need to go to bed, and our two cats get really loud at about 2:00 a.m.).

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