Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 171 - Gorillas and Grades

Sorry for no post yesterday - I fell sleep without planning on it.

I woke up after a horrible night's sleep and checked my grade for my Anthropology class. I found  out that I aced my test, and so that started the day off right.

I went to class, wehere we learned wayyy too much about apes and gorillas (we're starting a primate unit), and had a chat with the teacher after class. It ends up that she was impressed by my test; I explained it was because of U of M. She didn't believe me.

I got back from class, hung out for a bit, and then headed to Starbucks to study. I ended up staying for around 2 hours, but it was so loud and obnoxious the entire time. Just horrible. Really. I have never been in a Starbucks that loud.

My dad came home and we went out to dinner to celebrate my test grade - went to a new deli that was absolutely delicious. Plus, it had amazingly creamy soft-serve ice cream, which is something I love. All over, it was a good day.

We went home and I just relaxed for a bit. That's when I fell asleep, and I woke up to my alarm this morning.

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