Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 160 - Mission accomplished

Just a note: I'm super tired, and probably shouldn't have procrastinated on this, but it's going to be a short post - I may amend it tomorrow if I have time, or have anything else to say

Today was a day full of fulfilled goals.

  1. I got to school early. Not super super early, but I somehow cut my commute by 8 minutes. I think leaving earlier means that I beat some of rush hour traffic ... and hit the lights at the right time. Anyways, it was amazing, and started the day off on the right foot.
  2. Learned about a Starbucks on campus. I've been hunting for one ever since Monday, and finally got the nerve to ask a girl whom I've seen with a Starbucks cup for a couple of days now where she got her liquid Heaven. She told me. And now I know the secret hiding location of Haven - I'm going tomorrow morning to check it out.
  3. I did a good deed pretty early on: right after class let out, I overheard a woman ask the professor about what she should do about notes from the days she has missed (she just transferred into the class today and needed the notes from class from earlier this week). So, without being pushy or anything, I offered up my notes, which I had already typed and formatted (to my OCD standards) and was more than happy to just e-mail off to her. She accepted, and we got to chatting. I learned that she is coming back to school after a 25 year hiatus, and is juggling a job as well. I give her so much credit, and I hope we'll chat more as the course progresses.
  4. I went to Haven and talked to the baristas. They're starting to recognize me, and one guy is even getting to know what I like to drink. But sometimes I mix it up, so he has a bit more to learn. Will it be a grande? Or tall? Tea or frappacino? Or try something new??
  5. I have reached new levels of procrastination - I came back from Starbucks around 12:00, made and ate lunch, and then literally watched TV/surfed online until I made dinner
  6. Dinner: 3 things. All pretty decently made. Chicken - marinated in Italian dressing, covered with herb bread crumbs and parmesean cheese (my dad loves it). Biscuits - drop biscuits (Jiffy mix "just add water"). And corn. Yes, pretty starchy. But I wanted to get three things on my dad's plate. Success.
  7. Walked for a bit with my dad - we did a mile loop around the complex, and it was pretty nice. Sometimes our conversations can get a bit awkward (boys, friends, etc), or emotional (school, grades). But today it was fine [a bit of a rough patch when I told him the classes I'm taking next semester, but nothing we couldn't handle]. I must admit, it's been so nice to have this much one-on-one time with my dad - we're joking more, and know each other's little quirks. I think he enjoys coming home to someone every night, and I enjoy being around him. (warning: sappy moment coming up). I guess I didn't realize just how much I missed him, and missed living with him, until I'm down here for more than a week and actually get into a routine. It'll be so hard to leave at the end of the summer, since I'm afraid that I'm going to get used to having this. But then I'll go back to school, and hopefully everything will still be good.
That's it, but I'm pretty sure those are more feats that I've accomplished today than in a while.

It was a very successful day.

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