Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 176 - "A book? What do you want a book for?"

Today was pretty much uneventful (I feel as if I've been saying that a lot recently). I woke up late because a cat kept me up (Blizzard .....) and made myself some chocolate chip pancakes. They were quite delicious.

All day I've pretty much been attempting to work on my homework for class, which is to plot a crime scene (complete with dead body) based on measurements we took yesterday in class. Basically, our professor planted a crime scene with a skeleton and knife and we had to take measurements using skills forensic anthropologists would use, and now we have to map our data. It's pretty boring, kind of like connect-the-dots with a human skeleton.

My parents and I went grocery shopping, which sounds rather boring, but it was pretty fun. We went to a fruit market that was amazing and I really wish I had taken my camera. The colors were so vibrant, and the mood of the stand was just incredible.

We came home and tanned for a bit, then had dinner. My parents went to work out and I caught up with some friends, and continued to plot the human body. When they came back, we ended up watching the movie Matilda, which is undoubtedly one of my all-time favorite movies. I think I wrote about it before. Anyways, it was absolutely spectacular - I hadn't watched it in a while, so there were little details I forgot about.

I love Matilda - I love her love of books, and how she takes initiative. I especially love when she's four and goes to the library - it reminds me of how I used to count down until I could go again, then just curl up in a corner and read for hours. I've been doing that recently here, just going to the library and hunkering down for a couple of hours, but usually I'm on my laptop and doing school work. Maybe that'll change sometime this week, though.

On the whole "book" topic, I started a new book last night: Onward by Howard Schultz. He was the ceo of Starbucks, and he wrote about his experiences with the company. I needed a break from my other book (Sing Them Home) and this fit the ticket. It's amazing. And I bet I'm going to stay up way too late tonight reading. But you know what? I'm not going to regret it.

So, to answer Harry Wormwood, "A book? What do you want a book for?"

Well, I want a book for happiness. I want a book to let me escape, and expand my horizons and imagination. I want a book as a friend, because it's never going to change, though the way I see it may. Really? Why wouldn't I want a book?

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