Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 170 - Just squeeze the potato's tummy

Today was/is Father's Day, so, as a special treat to my dad, I woke up early (well ... 8:10) and made waffles. They were quite delicious, if I do say so my self ... even if they were just the kind you make from a box. It's the thought that counts, right?

We hung around for a little bit ... watching TV, tidying up the apartment, etc.. I did some school work and knit. Then went to the grocery store to get things for dinner, and some bread to make a sandwich for lunch. I came back and promptly made a grilled cheese sandwich, which my dad looked at, said "Oh, wow, that looks good" and then proceeds to eat the sandwich. I made myself another.

We again didn't really do anything ... talked to my mom and brother (both are still in Michigan), and I baked 104 cookies. Yes, that's right. 104. We now have Mt. Saint M&M on our kitchen counter.

I know it's slightly ridiculous to make 104 cookies for 2 people. But we're giving some away to my dad's coworkers, and I'll freeze some as well. Maybe we can make homemade ice cream sandwiches later. Yummm.

I made twice baked potatoes for my dad and I for dinner (he also grilled some steaks) and I have to pat myself on the back for these - they were quite delicious. I didn't really know how to tell that the potatoes were done baking (for the first time), so my mom gave me the advice to "squeeze the potato's tummy" and "tickle it ..." to see if it would give a little. Best. Advice. Ever. Well ... maybe not (not playing in traffic is pretty high up on that list) but some of the funniest advice.

My dad's working out now, and I'm cleaning up my room. Then maybe we'll play some cards, eat some ice cream sandwiches, and call it a night.

Class in the morning.

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