Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 162 - From Beige to Sunshine

Today my dad and I painted my room. We've been living in this apartment for close to 2 years now, and we thought it was about time to get out of just white walls and make this truly feel like home. And what better way to do this than paint?

Earlier in the week (Thursday?) we went to Lowe's to get the supplies: drop cloths, brushes, rollers, and, of course, the all-important paint. We decided on a couple of colors: blue for my parents' room, purple for the bathrooms, and a lemony yellow for my/my brother's room. My room was the first on our checklist.

Yesterday afternoon, I taped most of the room, and this morning (well ... closing in on afternoon) we finally picked up our brushes and went at it.

I must admit, I was a bit scared for a yellow room - don't get me wrong, I love yellow. Adore it. But there's a fine line between a yellow room and living in a lemon. I didn't want to do the latter. To we picked out a color (scarily called "Lemon Twist") and got to work.

Cutting in: one of the most hated tasks. Ever. I mean, I wanted to do nothing more than pick up a roller and slap mass amounts of color on the walls. But nope, it wasn't time. So instead I crouched and cut in from the baseboard up around the entire room. My back and knees were so sore.

Then my dad gave me the task of taping the bathroom (since we were planning on doing that next). I got half-way done, and then he came in, saw exactly where we would need to paint, and asked "Well, you can live with a beige bathroom, right?" Yes Dad, I guess I can. But honestly, I don't mind it white, at all.

While I was in the bathroom, my dad got to work rolling paint onto the walls. It. Looked. AMAZING!!!!!! Yes, we were walking the line between lemon and yellow, but we found that the paint dried a bit darker, and a whole lot muter.

We finally finished the room, and then went out to dinner while some of the paint dried. When we came back, the room still looked spectacular, and we moved furniture back into place. The fumes aren't bad, so I think I'll sleep in my new sunny room tonight.

It's hard to imagine that this room was beige this morning, and is now yellow. But we did it. And it's such a shock as to the difference it has made - I didn't mind the beige so much, but I also had never had color on the walls. It's so different walking through the rest of the apartment and having it all be white/beige.

Tomorrow we're painting my parents' room - a nice medium blue. It's going to be so much fun. And after that? Maybe we'll try and tackle the living room .... vaulted ceilings and all.

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