Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 177 - "Are you pro-Jesus?"

Today started off with some swearing. I'm not kidding: one of my best friends called me this morning at 9:30 a.m.. I forgot to turn my phone on silent last night, and her ring tone is ... well ... rather profane. So, I wake up to a voice swearing at me that "your f#)&#*% phone is f#*%)$! ringing you stupid b#!#%)#." It was quite a wake-up call.

I put glasses on because I could not, for the life of me, see anything, and wandered out to the living room, grabbed a bowl of cereal and had breakfast. It was rather exciting (not).

While my parents went to work-out, I had a freak-out about classes for the rest of my college career, worried that I wouldn't have time to do all of the requirements for both of my majors if I continued at the pace I was going at. When I mapped it all out, it turns out I was correct. So, some panic ensued and I changed around my schedule (note to people: there is a difference between asking for an opinion and asking for permission).

Eventually we went down to the pool to tan - there was the cutest little boy who had a floating jacket and who kept jumping off the ledge. I wanted to bottle up his laugh and take it home with me.

We had dinner, and then hung out for a bit. I had a really nice chat with one of my best friends (who's at school in Tennessee) about serious subjects. Don't worry, not all of our conversations are on such heavy topics as views about sex (before marriage allowed?) and religion ("are you pro-Jesus?"), but even when they are, I still enjoy them. She challenges me to articulate my beliefs, which only makes them stronger, yet also provides a fresh perspective on everything. It's not that we get into heated debates, but rather, we force the other one to think about what they're arguing for (or against).

Overall it's been a really good day. Now I just need to print off some stuff for school, finish up an assignment, and maybe read for a bit before going to bed.

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