Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 174 - Freedom Writers

Today started like most other days- woke up, got ready for class (curled hair instead of straightened it) and decided to wear jeans. Yes, it was hot outside. Yes, it was super humid. But there's something to be said for being a creature of habit.

I went to class (it was raining), and we watched a movie on monkeys. It was ... interesting. Don't get me wrong, I love the adorable chimps, but I could do without watching mountain gorillas killing other monkeys just because they stepped on a certain tree.

Came home, made lunch, talked to a friend back in Michigan.

Then my mom arrived. She left yesterday morning from Michigan, and rolled into Louisiana this afternoon. It was so great to see her again, and to have her around.

She and I watched Freedom Writers while my dad was at the office. I love that movie, not only because it's about a teacher and writing, but because it makes me realize that maybe one of my dreams can cone true: writing something that is beautiful.

You see, this blog may be part of that. But I know that it's not all. I want to write something worth reading, something that shows that I can write, that I am ... a writer. Not just someone who blogs every day, or someone who journals when things get crazy, but someone who people look at and say "Yeah, she's a writer. She's a gosh darn good writer." Maybe not that phrasing.

Freedom Writers makes me believe that this goal is attainable. And no, maybe I haven't been a part of a gang, or been in horrible situations, but part of me thinks, if those kids could do it, can't I? If they can make a book worth reading, even if it's just about their life and feelings, doesn't that mean I can too?

I want to read their book. I want to own it, and get the movie too. And when I become a writer, I want to meet one (or several) of the students. I ant to meet a true Freedom Writer.

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