Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 164 - "Blizzard, why are my bra straps wet?"

Today was semi-eventful.

Woke up for class, and left super early in order to scope out the little Starbucks stand in the bookstore. I ended up getting an iced tea, but it was capital-H Horrible. Weak tea, unsweetened, wrong type of tea, and no flavor. But whatever - it is duly noted. It wasn't even so much as Starbucks as much as a stand that made frappacinos and brewed Starbucks coffee. I think I'll end up just waking up early and making my own tea (once I go and get the right syrup).

I packed up a box for one of my best friends (she just graduated) and though I'd love to send a picture of the gorgeous box, I can't. Maybe once I know she's gotten it. But I think she'll love it ... I really hope she does.

For the rest of the day, I basically ran around doing errands and studied a bit for my upcoming exam (it's on Thursday). I just took a break and picked my sweater back up. I'm finishing up the second sleeve, then just need to sew it all together and knit the collar (probably a lot easier said than done).

I was cleaning up my room (well .... picking up laundry to wash because I'm having a shortage of clothes light enough (yet decent enough) to wear during the days), and the cat Blizzard (white weird-looking one from yesterday's post) had "helped" with my laundry. Now, this may be TMI, but she had somehow found a strap to one of my bras, and had chewed it. When I saw it was out of the drawer, I go to put it back in, find the wet strap, and immediately turn to the cat. Yes, I accused her without evidence, other than the wet strap. But she looked guilty. And she likes to chew on things.

It was her. And the garment is now in the wash. Thanks Blizzard.

She also was in the most inconvenient spot when I was cleaning the room. She's good at finding those - and plopping down, not moving until you move her yourself, or leave the room (and then she'll just follow you to that room and do the same thing).

Well, now it's back to laundry, then shower and then bed. Yup, very eventful.

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