Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 158 - Moodle-ing

Today started off like yesterday - rolled out of bed at an ungodly early hour (this time it was 7:15 am), straightened hair, got ready, had toast. Left for class at 8:20 am.

I was on a desperate search for Starbucks, but couldn't find one. I've been seeing Starbucks cups on campus both days, but nothing on Starbucks.com says anything about a store/stand on LSU's campus. I think they're hiding from me ... but I'll ask someone tomorrow, if I can get up the nerve to admit my addiction.

Anyways, I walked into class (around 9:02 - I had checked my phone right before stepping into the classroom) and my professor started discussing her "Moodle" habits. Now, I had never heard of this, so I was thinking it was a euphemism for something (drinking? sexual encounters? illegal activities?). Do people moodle at Skeeps at U-M? (Skeeps = Scorekeepers [a bar]) She starts asking the class their opinions of Moodle, and only then did she see my thoroughly confused and concerned face. She asked me whether I knew what Moodle was, and I replied that no, I had never heard of it. It ends up it's an online thing for classes (like CTools or Blackboard) that allows professors to post supplementary materials, open forums, and overall just give the class additional resources. Then I understood.

She doesn't like Moodle. So I don't have to worry about it.

The lecture was pretty boring (elementary stuff) but we did watch a film about Darwin's Theory of Evolution that wasted 50 minutes of class. I call that a bonus. And we were let out about 20 minutes early. Score.

I went to the bookstore and got an official LSU binder (and 3-hole punch), then returned home (after a Starbucks run) to marinate chicken for dinner [teriyaki - a new step outside the box] and just veg out for a while. I tanned for the first time in a couple of days, and didn't do any homework. It felt great.

Now I'm going to maybe take some notes, charge my laptop, then turn in for the night. These early mornings are getting the better of me, and I don't see how I'll keep surviving them until I find a way to fulfill my Starbucks need in the morning. ((I would just go to my normal one down here, but that would mean me driving directly into rush hour))

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