Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 178 - I AM a bronze goddess

Well, maybe not so much. But I'd like to believe I am.

Went to class today, turned in the assignment where we had to map out a dead body. Came home, had lunch (grilled cheese) and then went to the library to study for the exam on Wednesday. I thought I would only be there for about an hour, but ended up staying for three hours and making flashcards for the majority of my class notes - plus flashcards for the book vocabulary. I was very productive. Now all I have to do is review said flashcards and maybe I won't crash and burn as much as I expected on this upcoming exam.

I came home after studying and went to tan by the pool with my mom. I've only recently started tanning again (got out of the habit when I was frantic about the first exam), and I must say, I am becoming less ghost-like in appearance. I may not be as much of a "bronze goddess" as I claim, but I do have tan lines, and there is a marked difference in shade.

After tanning, we had dinner (BBQ pork, corn, and potatoes) and have just been relaxing since then. I've looked up books and such and think I'm going to go to Barnes & Noble tomorrow to get the seventh Harry Potter book.

I know, I know. It came out in 2007. I know, really. And I own it up north, but didn't bring it down with me for the summer. What with the movie coming out, I decided it may be time for me to get over my qualms with the book (I hated that Dumbledore died at the end of the sixth book) and just read it. That way, I can say that I finished the series.

I'll keep y'all updated on my progress. But first I should probably finish the other two books I have going right now: Onward by Howard Schultz (it's about Starbucks, what can I say?) and Sing Them Home by Stephanie Kallos. Both are good, in their own way. Haven't finished either yet.

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