Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 179 - Back to the Stone Age

Sorry for no post yesterday, we didn't have internet, and though I went to the library for an insane amount of time, I didn't think that our internet would be down all night. But, here's what happened:

Yesterday I woke up, went to class. Black double-scoop ballet shirt, denim skirt, black & white plaid ballet flats. Curly hair, pulled half back into a clip. Sorry for the description if you don't care anything about it, but I got compliments on it.

I went to the professor's office hours after class to get some clarification on some of my notes- she was in awe of my note-taking skills, and originally thought that they were printed off from a website or something. Little did she know that I have note-taking down to a science. Literally ... I have a format on my computer for notes for each class. It's pretty intense.

I went home, and went out to lunch with my mom. It was really good, and really fun too. After we got home, I went to the library to study for a while - ended up staying there around 2 hours, just going over flashcards, over and over and over again until I had monkey names stuck in my head.

Came home and read Onward for a while - absolutely loving it. Cleaned the bathroom (I know ... very exciting), and then went to bed. Oh, and Blizzard tried hiding so that I wouldn't kick her out of my room.

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