Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 161 - Principle Principal

Today started like every other day this week .... woke up, got ready, drove to school.

I got lost in the library attempting to find the Starbucks, only to find out later that my precious Haven is in the bookstore, instead. Lecture was rather boring (very repetitive) but I did learn one thing: my professor is a horrible speller. She misses letters, whole words, and today did the unforgivable mistake of mixing principle with principal.

I'm sorry - it's been drilled in me since third grade. And it was a shock to see her mess that up - I would have thought she would have known it. But apparently not.

I came home from class (without stopping at Starbucks), ate lunch, and watched last night's episode of So You Think You Can Dance. It. was. amazing. I'm in awe of everyone on the show, and everyone who tried out, because there is no way I could ever do those things with my body. And they make it look so effortless.

My dad came home from work early (he only works half days on Fridays), so we hung out for a bit, I chatted with friends, and eventually started taping my room so we can start painting. I've finished about 85% of the room (the only parts left are those parts that I can't get to without moving furniture), so it looks as if we'll start painting tomorrow morning. Yay!!

After we went out for dinner (a pizza place that was decent, not great), my dad and I went to Target to get a fan and some random stuff. But, I also found Tazo Passion Tea, which iss what I always get at Starbucks. Though they didn't have raspberry syrup, I got the tea, and am now sipping on it (iced, with home-made liquid sweetener). It is quite delicious.

Now I'm just reading and writing. Going to head to bed pretty soon.

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