Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 173 - 24 hours

In 24 hours, my mom will be here. I am beyond excited, not only because it'll be great to have her here for the summer, but because it has been a month since I've seen her.

I know I didn't see her that often when I was at school, but it's been weird being down here without her. Yes, this past Spring I was down here for a week without her, but even then, I saw her the next weekend.

My dad and I have been getting the apartment ready: cleaning up, making sure things are put away, brushing the cats, scooping their litter, catching up on laundry. I mean, it's not as if we've let the place go, but we just want it to look its best tomorrow when my mom finally arrives.

It was so hard sitting in class today knowing she was driving through Ohio (that stupid state) without me. I wanted to do nothing else other than be there in the passenger seat, listening to music or reading, and just being there with her. But I know my place is here, and that there'll be plenty of time to catch up.

So far today I have finished notes for my class (yay!!) and have read a little bit. But mostly I've been doing things for my other blog. Changing around the formatting, and doing a challenge for it. It was pretty fun: you have to write 100 truths about yourself. Can you do it? It's harder than it seems like it should be.

Now I'm off to take a shower and then get ready for bed. I'd best get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow is bonding time with my mom.

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