Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 167 - Knitting to the extreme

Today I started my day with one of the longest and hottest walks I've ever been on - yesterday I went and picked up my parking permit at the LSU public safety office. Little did I know that I would have to park in one of the furthest lots from my class. Yup - and stupid me wore denim capris, and layered shirts. Not smart.

Today in class we had our first exam. It wasn't too hard, though it was strange to take a non-scantron multiple choice test (last multiple choice test: high school; last non-scantron multiple choice test: 10th grade). It took me a minute to get used to the format, but overall it went pretty well (knock on wood).

I went to Starbucks to reward myself for making it through the exam and got this
It's a double chocolate chip frappuccino, but instead of the dark chocolate mocha they usually use, I got it with white mocha - it was delicious. The whole thing tasted (and smelled) like an Oreo milkshake. Delightful.

I came back home and just hung out - read a bit (not from the text book), including going through more of this online knitting blog that I've been obsessed with (I made it to October 2004!). I've also been knitting more of the  second sleeve of my sweater I started earlier this summer - it's almost done!

Today has just been a lazy day. I've chatted with friends, and just lounged around. Tomorrow it's back to work on taking notes and such, and have to start thinking about an acceptable Father's Day gift. Wish me luck!

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