Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 66 - Your day

I know that the day isn't over yet, but don't worry ... I'm going to try and compensate for the details that have yet to come.

Overall my day has been fairly decent - well, as decent as the first day back from Spring Break can be. But here's how my day played out:

8:35 - wake up to the sun shining, and picked out a nice outfit: tight jeans, ivory camisole, black double-breasted  cardigan, and tan boots. Hair was straight, so I left it down

9:00 - breakfast with one of my better friends in the dining hall. We chatted over bagels and apple juice (me) and a breakfast sandwich (her). Though I'm not usually much of a breakfast person when I'm not at school, I thrive on the bagels from our cafeteria. So. Delicious.

10:00-11:30 - first class of the day: Introduction to Literary Studies. We had a pretty good discussion about The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde, and learned more about the assignments for the upcoming weeks.

12:00-12:40 - lunch with more friends - the girl I had breakfast with, as well as another great friend. It was really nice to see both of them again, for our mealtimes are never without hilarious antics.

1:00-2:00 - math class. ugh. All I have to show for this class is a page full of scribbles, barely in English, and doodles. Overall, not too bad.

2:30-4:00 - Linguistics lecture. It was nice to be in that class again, and the topic is becoming really interesting (today's discussion was about face-to-face interactions between early teenagers in Philadelphia in the 1970's). We have a midterm coming up, so it was nice to reacquaint myself with some of the material.

5:00 - dinner with more friends. It seems as if a lot of today has been spent catching up with the people I've missed over the last week, which can be good, but my brain is also thoroughly melted and I can't seem to remember who I've talked to about what and when and in what detail.

That's basically all that I've done today. In the times that are missing, I've been doing things on my ever-growing to-do list (look at summer courses, figure out my fall schedule, email advisors, make appointments, blah, blah, blah) and successfully procrastinating on studying for the midterm I have in Linguistics on Wednesday (that's what Tuesday night is for, right?). In a little bit I'm going to Skype with one of my best friends, take a shower, and call it a night.

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