Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 88 - Something that you miss

There are a lot of things I miss: my true house(s), the South, my family, my friends, my pets, you name it and I've probably missed it at some point or another.

Right now, though? I miss the summers in elementary school. The summers that my best friend and I would spend hours upon hours at the public library, just picking out ten or twelve books to read. We were constantly there.

Every summer there's a reading program through the library. It's changed over the years, but when I was in elementary school, you would log your books, and for every 50 pages you read, you would get a raffle ticket. At the end of the summer, there'd be an event where the librarians from each branch would pick the winners of the raffles, as well as give away other prizes (most books read, most pages read, etc.).

My friend and I would, quite honestly, go to the library every day. We would probably spend about an hour there, and then would walk back to her house and just sit an read. Everywhere. In her room, in her living room, in the tree in her backyard. We even tried the garage once, but it was too dark and uncomfortable. The next day, we would go back to the library to record what book(s) we had read, and see if there were any others we wanted.

This would go on the entire summer. And the memories of these times make me miss multiple things at once: I miss summer, I miss my friends, I miss reading for fun, I miss reading in trees, and having nothing to do. But most of all, I miss the friend who I would read with. Because she was the person who didn't make me lonely, even though we were doing solitary activities. We might have looked like loners, just sitting and reading our respective books. But we were loners together.

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