Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 60 - Your favorite song at this time last year

So I know that it's technically March, but I still chose a song from my February 2010 playlist (yes, I make playlists each month of my favorite songs).

This time last year I had a lot on my plate. It's hard to even imagine everything that was going on:

  • I was traveling to Baton Rouge approximately once every three weeks or so.
  • I was in the end of senior year, gearing up for AP tests
  • I was trying to choose a college, which was a lot harder than I had thought it would be.
  • There was drama ... and lots of it. With friends, with boys, with friends and boys.
  • There were the pressures of school, and of college (I took a class at a college during my senior year)
  • I was falling for someone (hence the song) and I didn't know if I wanted to, or how to stop it
Putting it all down in a list doesn't make it seem like that much. But all I remember is that I was stressed. Beyond belief. But this song helped - the music video reminded me that some things may seem strange at first glance. Things may seem downright awful, but you have to look at it again.

Because who knows? You may just find something beautiful that you once thought was weird.

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