Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 72 - What's in your bag

Well, since I am a student, I guess my "bag" is synonymous to my backpack. So here we go:

  • gum - a staple in any of my bags. I'm slightly addicted. Especially to spearmint.
  • passport - I still haven't unpacked my backpack from Spring Break, so I still have my passport (along with boarding pass) in it
  • chapstick (2) - moisturizing and cherry. Both amazing.
  • glasses - black frames, rarely worn, but still there just in case I need them
  • left wrist brace - left over from a linguistics midterm on Wednesday. I have tendinitis in my wrist from writing too much, so I always pack it when I know that I have to write essays
  • calculator - unfortunately my math class doesn't use numbers (ironic?), but I need it for work to figure out mole ratios and weights and such
  • umbrella - it's beginning to look like spring in Michigan. An umbrella is necessary. Not that it works with the intense winds ....
  • tissues - again, spring time in Michigan = allergies = runny nose
  • folder for work - holds random papers, and probably has chemicals spilled on it. It's obviously been "loved"
  • Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea for an essay for my Intro to Literary Studies class
  • notebook for Lit Studies (mostly filled with doodles)
  • linguistics notebook
  • Linguistics binder, complete with readings for tomorrow that have yet to be read
  • Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - has to be read by Wednesday for Lit Studies ... greatttttt
  • agenda - I'd be lost without it. Quite literally.
  • pencil case - highlighters (yellow and pink), 3 black pens, 3 blue pens, iPod, memory stick, another chapstick
  • anti-bacterial hand lotion - smells like white citrus. A life-saver, especially on the cold and windy days
  • random hair ties at the bottom of the backpack
  • water bottle - filled with 32 oz. of pure water
  • laptop charging cord
  • (usually my laptop is in here too, but seeing as I'm using it to type this, it's no longer in there)
So that's it. I may have missed inventorying some trash, but it's just that: trash. Empty gum wrappers, torn papers, etc.

I have to re-pack my bag for tomorrow (all of that was just to go to the study floor this morning), so the contents are continually changing. But maybe this list shows some things about me.

Or maybe not.

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