Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 82 - Something that upsets you

There are very few things that really press my buttons after only a moment or two. Most times it takes a week, two weeks, a month, for me to get upset enough to realize that I'm upset over something. It sounds stupid, but it's true. But one of my biggest things?

People falsifying or withholding important information.

I'd like to note that this isn't lying. I understand that sometimes it's necessary to tell a little lie every now and again: to keep a secret, to protect someone else, to protect yourself. Fine. But misrepresenting something is different: it's when you tell someone one thing with no intention on doing it. It's saying "oh yeah, I texted her and she said she'd meet us there," but really not.

It's things like this that excludes people, which is another thing that pushes my buttons. I want everyone to be included, whether it be in mealtimes or conversations. There are very few worse feelings than finding out that you've been excluded from something, and I don't want to bring that feeling upon anyone if I can avoid it.

It seems as if these two things have been happening fairly recently in my group of friends. That's not to say that they're bad people, because they aren't. I love them all to death. But there's one person who seems to consistently misrepresent information which leads to people getting excluded. She also seems to exclude people from conversations: talking only to one person, and changing the subject so that only the selected person can talk about it.

Pretty soon things are going to change .... because this has gone on long enough. Now if only I can figure out a way to fix it .....

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