Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 73 - This week

Let's just put it this way: this week has not gotten off to a good start.

Today started with sleep-deprivation: dirty socks in the garbage can, comb in the pajama drawer, and to-do list in (no, not on) the fridge. It was also my longest day, with classes until 4 p.m., and mass amounts of homework afterward. Drama with people just lengthened the day.

But hopefully it gets better from here. After all, tomorrow can never be as bad as today, right? Though I do have to go into work tomorrow (not my favorite pastime, but better than a sharp stick in the eye), and finish up a paper and readings. But really. It shouldn't be too bad.

This weekend my dad is flying up and my family is going to go to the U of M hockey games (they're in the CCHA semifinals, and most likely the finals [knock on wood]). It will be so great to be all together again - I've been rather homesick lately, and it'll be nice to have everyone in one spot, even if it's in an ice arena and we're yelling expletives at the referees and players.

So this week shall be interesting. I'm curious to see how all of the drama will work out, and how I'll manage the to-do list that is growing by the minute. But it's just another challenge, right?

Well, let the challenge begin.

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