Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 81 - Another moment

I sat down at a table in the ninth floor of my dormitory (a sort of study area, with computers, couches, and tables with an unspoken "quiet" rule) with my laptop and a backpack full of homework.

The day wasn't shaping up to be amazing - I had to cancel plans for one of my friends to visit because I was buried with homework, despite working for seven hours the day prior. I had woken up at 8:00, only to pack up the backpack and head upstairs. There wasn't any end in sight - there was an essay to write, a book to read and annotate, math problems to look over, and assigned readings coming out of my ears ... or rather ... binders.

After about 2 hours of studying, I got up to walk around. I stepped outside into the lobby area (there's a let-off to the elevators, and you have to swipe your key card to get back into where the people study ... a bit confusing, but it works). When I came back a couple of minutes later, I find everything exactly how it was, except now there's a little blue circle of paper sitting on my laptop keyboard.

I look around but can't see anyone in the near vicinity. Thinking it was strange, I put it aside and continue working. About fifteen minutes later, one of my friends comes up to study with me. She asks what the paper is, and I look at it for the first time. It was a simple command, but it brightened my day.

Keep smiling. You don't know who may fall in love with it.

And on the back?

I did.

I still haven't found who wrote the note, nor do I think it would mean as much if I did. But I still have the piece of blue construction paper - it's taped to my wall as a reminder to keep smiling, no matter how much homework has to be done, no matter how many plans have been cancelled.

After all, you never know who may fall in love with it.

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