Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 71 - Your sibling

How do I describe my brother?

My brother is loud. He screams at sporting events, at parties, and in the car. He cheers for goalies, for players, and for friends. He blows your eardrums out if you're standing to close.

But my brother is also quiet. He has his tender moments - the moments where there is nothing to say or do other than to envelope a person in a compassionate hug. He knows when to listen, and when to just reach out and pat you on your back, to let you know that it may not be alright right now, but it will be, eventually.

My brother is funny. He cracks jokes with anyone and everyone. And surprisingly (he is a boy, after all), they aren't usually the "that's what she said" jokes, or the "mind in the gutter jokes," but rather the truly hilarious ones. The ones that are tasteful, even if they take a minute or two to understand.

But my brother is smart. After all, he was accepted to Michigan, and is doing well. He knows too many things to describe, but these things range from architecture to engineering to people, and even to where to find oddly shaped lightbulbs.

I know siblings are supposed to fight. And my brother and I have had our fair share of disputes. But would I trade him for anyone else? For my best friend? Or for my idol?

Absolutely not.

And do you know why?

Because he's my brother. And he's absolutely amazing.

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